What Prompts Someone to Try THRIVE Coaching?

Many who have suffered childhood traumas carry debilitating emotional pain into adulthood and eventually turn to psychotherapy and recovery programs to help them to heal.

This inner work, when successful, helps these individuals to gain greater self-awareness and self-control. Nonetheless, they often feel consumed by regrets about what they have not yet accomplished.

Thrive Coaching of Asheville (Thrive) offers a different way forward for them at this stage in their development than many psychotherapy and recovery programs can provide. It provides them with new forms of support, and a new sense of their own capacities, that helps them to continue their progress toward full self-actualization.

What Issues Do THRIVE Clients Work On?

Each client, of course, is utterly unique. However, in general, Thrive clients tend to focus on how to: 

  • succeed at work that :

    • uses their special talents and experiences.

    • matches their particular values.

    • enables them to contribute to the world in their own unique way.

  • enjoy a rewarding intimate relationship.

  • optimize their health so they can make the most of their lives.

  • create a new lifestyle that meets their definition of “the good life.”

  • forge better relationships with their families.

How Does THRIVE Coaching Work?

Thrive can help clients:

  • clarify the change(s) they want to make and the goal(s) they want to reach.

  • identify and eliminate old self-images, beliefs, and behavior patterns that limit their progress.

  • develop the skills, strengths, and strategies they need to achieve the results they are seeking!


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Thrive Founder | Suzanne Goodman |


"When I was a student at Yale University School of Architecture, every design decision was an agony; intimacy was terrifying; and I was in constant inner turmoil, all because of early emotional and physical traumas.

Yet today I live in a city I love, in a home I love, in a body I love, with a partner I love, doing work I love: supporting others who yearn to overcome the lingering effects of their traumas, so they too can create the lives they’ve always wanted “


“When you’ve gone through difficult things, and maybe even given up on the future, Suzanne can give you hope, and the tools to make something meaningful out of the rest of your life.”

-  SK, Riverdale, NY


Psychotherapy and addiction recovery programs help clients to heal their hurts.

Thrive helps clients to realize their dreams.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.”
— Henry David Thoreau
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
— Goethe