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"Suzanne’s coaching skills are powerful and truly life changing. Suzanne is not only incredibly perceptive and dedicated, but she also brings a highly creative, holistic approach to her work."

-  K.C., San Francisco, CA

"You have played a vital, yes, VITAL role in my coming to grips with all that happened ... and my taking the steps to create a life I actually want to live. " 

- A.V., Marco Island, FL

"What a gift Suzanne has and what a gift she has been to me in freeing me to write.  I am a psychologist, but my passion is creative writing. When I have been completely blocked as a writer, when sitting down at the computer has felt like a miserable chore, Suzanne has helped me move through my blocks to a place where my creative energy flows freely onto the page."

- J.J., East Hampton, CT

More Happy Clients ...

 "You truly helped me through some confusing issues."

-C.W. | Fernandina Beach , FL

"Thank you so much for being the coach you are!"

- A.D. | Hermitage, PA

"Our coaching helped me greatly in being prepared and having the right mindset."

- P.R. | Vienna, Austria

 "Your clients will be blessed."

- T.H. | Searcy, AR 

“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
— Aristole
“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”
— Aristotle
“Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.”
— W.H. Murray
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

— Lao Tzu